Ojibwe Word of the Week: May

This month we decided to focus our words on members of the family. We read the book "Jingle Dancer" to our classes, which focuses on a little girls' journey to create her very own own jingle dress. She visits different members of her family to talk about her dress and get jingles to add to her dress. When she gets her dress made she hopes to dance at the next pow wow.

Late spring and summer are when local First Nations communities host Pow Wows, so we added the word Pow Wow to this month's words as well.

Ojibwe Word of the Week: May

Mishomis - Grandfather
Ngashi - My Mother
Noos - My Father
Biiweziimag - Family
Jiingtamog - PowWow

Click here to access the Ojibwe Word of the Week PDF